
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sleep problems?

This post is going to go off in about 18 different directions because my houses sleep issues are erratic.
First of all, when I was first pregnant 5 years ago, it all started. Pregant people have the worst sleep. It has just now gotten slightly better.
My 4 year old son didn't start sleeping through the night until he was well past a year old. I am sure now, it was because his room was WAY too hot and WAY too quiet. Kids room are supposed to be like 65 degrees or something crazy. I thought I knew more and put in a little self heater in his room when he was 6 months old and couldn't use a blanket. Shame on me. I was slow roasting the poor kid. Then he got older and I discovered the Sleep Mate sound machine. LIFE SAVER! Then an old friend told me to put a box fan on outside his room. LIFE SAVER! But then it was time to transition to the toddler bed. (Insert scary movie sounds.) Nope, it was perfect. He finally started sleeping fairly normal. So what did I do? Got pregnant again. Yeah, who needs sleep anyway? So I am getting up to pee in the middle of the night and waking up the house while I am at it. UGH. Then we hit a stage where my 3 year old starts to wake up at 6 (or earlier) every morning. Um, no thankyou. I am about  to get up with a newborn a trazillion times a night. I NEED sleep. That is when I found my next LIFE SAVER! The ok to get up clock. It turns green when it is ok to get up. I explained this to my son. He was not to get out of bed until it turned green which was at 7:30am. It worked and it has continued to work for a year now. I have since changed the time to 7 and he sometimes still sleeps to 7:30. It stays lit for a half hour. It is a great product. As for my second son, I kept his room at the 65 degree range and he actually slept pretty good at first. Until he started getting cronic ear infections. UGH again. But, he got tubes put in his ears and he now is an excellent sleeper.
No more babies for me. I am enjoying the 8 hours of straight sleep I have not gotten in the last 5 years. :)

click on the picture to below to buy yours at amazon:

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