
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Pregnant? Read on my friend...

I think I must have researched every available product for my baby while I was pregnant. I wanted functional and cute, yet affordable. So I have done all the work for you. Here are my must have items for your new baby. Get your baby shower lists ready!

1. Must have the new Fisher Price Rock n Play. I loved having this available for naps and all night sleeping right next to me in place of a bassinet. It is foldable and I was able to take it everywhere we went with our new baby.

2. The Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Cradle Swing was and is the best swing I have ever come across. It is a swing that swings side to side and back and forth. It has a great eye catching mobile that lights up and plays music, ocean sounds, bubble sounds...there are fish that spin. It is just an all around great swing with lots for the baby to look at.

3. The Fisher Price Miracles and Milestones Magical Mobile Gym
Ok, the babies don't play on tummy mats for very long because soon they are rolling all over the floor. But, this thing is hands down the best! The top is a mirror ball that lights up and plays music and there is a mobile that moves around in circles. There is also loops along the legs which you can put toys on (comes with some toys already on there) which your baby can play while on their tummy. My kids loved playing under/on this mat.

4. Dr. Brown's bottles. Ugh.. did I ever have the worst time with my first baby and colic. Until I traded my bottles in for Dr. Brown bottles. Their anti-gas technology (there are a few parts to these bottles, but worth it!) saved my sanity. Worth the money right off the start.

5. Unfortunately my bouncer is nowhere to be found. I sold it at a garage sale, so I can't be certain what brand it was. It was the best and I am sorry that I can't remember and share that find for you. I had one that sat perfectly - some are too high backed and I feel like the baby can lean over and fall right out - It was all red and had blue legs. It came with 2 rattles that played music if the baby hit or removed them. It was way more than a bouncer and we loved it. Sorry! If I ever find it again, I will add the link in here.

6. Thank God for for telling me about the sleep machine. Man did I ever have a problem with my oldest son sleeping habits. Until I bought this machine. It is a white noise machine. I bought one for my second son right when I found out I was pregnant. Love it!

7. The most functionable baby gate on the planet: The Summer Infant Secure Surround Play Safe Play Yard. I bought it along with some extensions to go around our pond when my oldest son was a toddler. Then I used it around my Christmas tree that winter. Then my youngest son came along and instead of a baby gate we used this, then instead of a play pen we used this. Now when ever we are outside and I need to keep him coralled, I use this. Definate must have for kids!

8.I loved having a take along swing. I wouldn't say it is a must have. I just liked having it around. We could take it to Grandma's house, take it out on the deck. It was nice to have. So, if you are in the market, I recommed this one: The Open Top Rainforest Take-Along Swing.

9.I love this product as much as my kids do. It is the Cloud B Twilight Constallation Night Light Turtle. It projects starts (and the new versions have a moon) onto your bedroom walls and ceiling. It can project blue, green or orange stars. They also have sea turtles and lady bugs...maybe more. We have 2 turtles and we love them.

10. Next is my Cloud B Sleep Sheep. I use this in my kids cribs. It is a cute stuffed animal that has velcro on the back to strap to the crib and has heartbeat, waves, dolphin and white noise sounds. Inexpensive and useful to comfort the new baby with the heartbeat sounds.

11. If your pregnant you need to go buy this book. It is called "Your Pregnancy Week by Week" It has illustrations of what your baby looks like and what your body is going through each week. I loved reading this book and looking forward to reading it each week.

12. Last but not least is another book but this is post baby to go along with your pregnancy book is "Your Babys First Year Week by Week." I loved this book because as a new mom it helps guide you by what your childs sleep habits should be, how much they should be eating each week... etc. I took notes above each week about my first son and compared them to when I had my second son. It was neat to compare when each got their first teeth, how they each were sleeping and eating and how big they each were. I still go back to look up different things like how high a fever gets before you should really panic and how much my son should be sleeping at night. I just love this book, and now especially since I have cute notes on the pages, I will never get rid of it.

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